Winter Driving Tips Part 2: Driving Advice for Winter Travelers

In the first part of our winter driving series, we gave you some advice for winterizing your vehicle. Now that your vehicle is ready for your road trips, here are some tips to keep in mind when driving to your wintery destinations: 1. Pull over or don’t go out at all: The single best advice… Read more »

Winter Driving Tips Part 1: Winterizing Your Vehicle

Winter is here and that means nasty weather could make your travels a bit more slippery (no pun intended!) than usual. AccuWeather’s winter forecast is calling for above-normal snowfall in some parts of the country, and the Federal Highway Administration reports that nearly one-quarter of weather-related vehicle crashes occur on snowy, slushy or icy roads…. Read more »

Healthy Eating While Traveling: Before You Arrive

Ahhhhhhh. You took some time off around the holidays and now you feel relaxed and recharged. You made your New Year’s resolutions, and like many people, one of your top action items is to eat healthier. Sounds great in theory, but there’s just a slight glitch – your next trip is coming up soon. Luckily… Read more »

Your Guide for Healthy Travel to Developing Countries

Recent studies suggest that more than 50 million people from industrialized nations travel to developing countries each year (Travel to Developing Countries, ADAM Health Illustrated Encyclopedia). Whether it’s for leisure, or you’re traveling to these destinations for work or study, there are plenty of precautions you can take to protect your health and well-being while… Read more »

Hurricane Sandy: Travel Safe Resources for After the Storm

Here at On Call International, we are thinking of everyone who was affected by Hurricane Sandy and we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well. While the remnants of Sandy headed north through Canada with the last of its effects winding down along the Appalachian Mountains as of early this morning,… Read more »

Travel Con Games + Travel Tips to Avoid Them

The following is a guest blog post from our friend and well-known travel expert, Rudy Maxa. You’re driving along a highway in Italy and a car pulls up beside side you beeping and pointing to your rear tire.  The concerned-looking driver’s gestures suggest you pull over to the side of the road. Don’t do it…. Read more »

Medical Monitoring – A Life-Saving Service

As a travel assistance company, we help thousands of travelers every year with medical incidents they’ve encountered while on vacation, business trips, or while working or studying abroad. In fact, we oversee more than 7,000 medical cases every year. Many of those cases result in medical evacuation or other medical transportation, while in other cases,… Read more »

Seven Quick & Easy Tips to Prevent the Flu

The 2011-2012 flu season officially starts this Saturday, October 1st. Influenza’s nasty symptoms include fever, body aches, runny nose, sore throat, nausea and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. To keep you in tip-top traveling condition, we’re offering you 7 quick and easy tips to help prevent the flu. 1.    First and foremost, get your flu shot!… Read more »