Tag: travel assistance

Travel Assistance 101: What to Do When Your Luggage Goes Missing

After a long and uncomfortable flight, you finally arrive at the baggage carousel only to realize that your baggage is nowhere in sight. Great. Besides having a meeting in less than three hours, you still need to pick up your rental car, check into your hotel room and change into your meeting attire which, of course, is… Read more »

Rescue Nurse at On Call International CAMTS Accreditation: Raising the Bar for Quality and Travel Safety

Rescue Nurse at On Call International is once again, proud to receive the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport System’s (CAMTS’) accreditation—the gold standard for air medical transportation services. On Call is the only assistance provider in North America with its own, in-house CAMTS and CAMTS EU dual-accredited commercial medical transport program! A special congratulations and shout… Read more »

Travel Risk Management:
News, Information, & Resources

Even if your travel programs are currently on hold, now is the perfect time to evaluate your plans for protection against specific areas of risk to help ensure your organization is ready to hit the ground running when travel is back in full swing. Whether it’s a medical emergency, natural disaster, or any other type… Read more »

Helping Travelers, Every Day:
COVID-19 Security Assistance Case Study

On Call’s mission has always been helping travelers in their time of need, every day, and the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different. The pandemic presented some interesting challenges, unique barriers, and extremely nuanced complications amid our efforts to return people home, but nothing that our Global Assistance teams couldn’t handle! Read our latest case… Read more »

Helping Travelers, Every Day:
COVID-19 Medical Assistance Case Study

On Call’s mission has always been helping travelers in their time of need, every day, and the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different. The pandemic presented some interesting challenges, unique barriers, and extremely nuanced complications amid our efforts to return people home, but nothing that our Global Assistance teams couldn’t handle! Read our latest case… Read more »

Helping Travelers, Every Day:
COVID-19 Assistance Snapshot

On Call’s mission has always been helping travelers in their time of need, every day, and the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different. The pandemic presented some interesting challenges, unique barriers and some extremely nuanced complications amid our efforts to return people home, but nothing that our Global Assistance teams couldn’t handle. It was a… Read more »

On Call’s Global Assistance & Security Expert, Ryan DeStefano, Answers (More) Top COVID-19 Travel FAQs

As COVID-19 continues to dominate the conversation, it’s getting increasingly more difficult to sift through the abundance of information and decipher what’s really relevant for your travelers and your organization. On Call’s VP of Global Assistance Services, Ryan DeStefano, is here to help by answering more  FAQs we’ve been hearing from clients and travelers, while… Read more »

New Infographic! On Call By the Numbers

When it comes to travel emergencies, we know you want an experienced partner by your side. That’s why we put together this infographic of recent case data to illustrate how On Call helps protect travelers and save lives across the globe, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Special thanks to all our valued… Read more »