Tag: air travel

How to Plan Ahead for Summer Weather Delays

During the winter, weather conditions like blizzards and ice storms can cause widespread flight delays and even bring your travels to a halt. But weather-related delays can also wreak havoc on your plans because storms can form quickly, stretch for hundreds of miles and move rapidly over large areas of the country. The good news… Read more »

Travel Assistance 101: What to Do When Your Luggage Goes Missing

After a long and uncomfortable flight, you finally arrive at the baggage carousel only to realize that your baggage is nowhere in sight. Great. Besides having a meeting in less than three hours, you still need to pick up your rental car, check into your hotel room and change into your meeting attire which, of course, is… Read more »

Travel Assistance 101: What is a Rescue Nurse?

Here at On Call, we have a team of caring and compassionate Rescue Nurses who are ready to help our travelers get home safely from anywhere, at any time.  Typically if a traveler is medically stable, alert, and conscious, a commercial evacuation with a Rescue Nurse is the best transport option. From bedside to bedside,… Read more »

Rescue Nurse at On Call International CAMTS Accreditation: Raising the Bar for Quality and Travel Safety

Rescue Nurse at On Call International is once again, proud to receive the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport System’s (CAMTS’) accreditation—the gold standard for air medical transportation services. On Call is the only assistance provider in North America with its own, in-house CAMTS and CAMTS EU dual-accredited commercial medical transport program! A special congratulations and shout… Read more »

Travel Assistance 101: A Day in the Life of an On Call Assistance Coordinator

One of your travelers is abroad when they begin to feel very ill. They don’t know where the nearest clinic is (or how they will manage to get there!), so they place a call to your organization’s travel risk management provider, On Call International. Immediately, they are connected to an On Call Assistance Coordinator (AC)…. Read more »

Diabetes and Air Travel: A Guide for Your Travelers

Traveling can be exciting and rewarding, but traveling with a chronic medical condition can sometimes add additional stress and complexity. One of the most common chronic diseases affecting travelers is diabetes. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed every year. “Travelers with diabetes face a special challenge; however, most… Read more »

An Airport Security Outlook For Spring/Summer 2017 (and Beyond)

Post updated on 6/1/17. Last year, the topic of ‘longer than ever’ wait times at security checkpoints across the U.S. was all the rage (no pun intended) in the travel sphere. This was likely due to a number of factors including heightened security restrictions, limited staffing and cheaper gas/airfare prices. And while this chatter has… Read more »

Holiday Travel: An On Call Watch Officer Answers Your Top Security Questions

Every year the holiday season consistently brings with it an uptick in the number of travelers, which inevitably increases the level of risk. While this is nothing new, it’s hard to ignore this past year’s events and the corresponding World Wide Travel Caution by the U.S. State Department. In addition, the State Department recently released… Read more »

Stress-Free Holiday Travel: 5 Ways to Get Through the Airport Quicker

Getting through the airport can be a dreaded task for anyone – especially during the holidays. Check out our tips below so you can have a quicker (and less painful) trip through the airport this holiday travel season: 1. Get with the Program: According the TSA, 97% of passengers enrolled in their Pre√ program waited… Read more »