Tag: travel assistance

On Call in Action: Asthma Attack in Malawi

On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day: This Month: Asthma Attack… Read more »

Travel Emergency Prep 101: Personal Medical Information Form

We all expect our trips to go off without a hitch, and most times they do. However, if you experience a serious illness or injury away from home, recalling personal medical details during an emergency can be difficult, or in some instances, impossible. That’s why it’s so important to complete a personal medical information form… Read more »

Travel Assistance Myths…Debunked!

Travel assistance… it’s something that is so important, yet sometimes overlooked. For those of you that know all about it, you’re probably asking yourself, how could anyone leave home without it? We’ve wondered that too. But the truth is, not everyone knows what it is and how it can help protect your health and safety… Read more »

Go High and Stay Well: 5 Healthy Tips for High Altitude Travel

The higher you go, the “thinner” the air gets, and when you go too high too fast, your body cannot get the oxygen it needs. While many people can reach up to 8,000 feet without any ill effects, anyone who travels from lower altitudes to above 6,500 feet could experience altitude sickness. So whether you’re… Read more »

The History of Spring Break Travel: A Retrospective

Ah, Spring Break. Most of us think of it as a week of relaxation—usually in an exotic setting on a sun-filled beach, where we can temporarily escape from our daily lives. The experience itself has become a staple of modern American life, but have you ever wondered how this whole tradition started? If you answered… Read more »

Business Travel for Women: 6 Tips for Playing It Safe on the Road

Recent research shows that women account for nearly half of all business travelers in the U.S. This is rather astounding considering 40 years ago this number was a mere 5%. And according to a different study, 48% of the surveyed women traveling for business said they often travel alone. Despite advances in gender equality in… Read more »

8 Tips for Protecting Your Identity When You Travel

Recent studies show that identity theft is a $37 billion crime that affects 1 in 25 Americans with the average victim paying out $631 in out-of-pocket costs and 33 hours of their time. And it doesn’t just happen at home—in fact, you may be even more vulnerable to it while traveling because you’re carrying your… Read more »

Keep Your Cool: What to Do If Your Passport is Lost or Stolen While Traveling

Post updated on 12/11/18. What would you do if your passport was lost or stolen while traveling overseas? The bad news—it could eat up a little bit of your time, money, and patience (and potentially delay your trip). The good news? If you’re prepared and know what to expect, you can actually make things a… Read more »

Spring Break Travel: 7 Tips for a Safe and Healthy Trip

No more pencils, no more books…yes, after a long winter, spring break is finally on its way, and with it, the time-honored tradition of getting away for a well-deserved break from school or work. But before pack your bags and head out the door, make sure you check out these tips for a safe and… Read more »

Healthy Eating While Traveling: At Your Destination

If you followed the advice in our previous post, your bags are packed with healthy snacks and you made it out off the plane cheeseburger and french fry free. Now it’s time to keep your positive momentum going and stick to your New Year’s resolutions no matter what type of trip you’re on. Whether you’re… Read more »