Tag: travel etiquette

Study Abroad Etiquette: Italy

As statistics have shown, the number of students studying abroad has tripled over the last few decades and about 10 percent of all U.S. undergraduate students will study abroad by the time they graduate. In this blog series, we’ll provide some simple etiquette tips for popular study abroad destinations. Along with the United Kingdom, Spain, China,… Read more »

Travel Etiquette Around the World: Cuba

Cuba, the largest island in the Caribbean, has been the topic of controversy since an embargo was put in place by the United States in 1960. And while jumping on a plane for a beach vacation to Cuba is still out of the question, under new regulations, more Americans are now able to experience a… Read more »

Air Travel Etiquette: 5 (More) Ways to Be a Better Passenger

In an era where airplane seats are getting smaller and personal space is gold, it’s no secret air travel can be stressful at times (oh come on, don’t you love being trapped in a vessel the size of a preschool classroom with a bunch of strangers?). Sometimes so stressful we find ourselves reverting to old… Read more »

Air Travel Etiquette: 5 Ways to Be a Better Passenger

We’ve all been there – the screaming kid. The talker. The frazzled, unprepared traveler holding everyone up at the security checkpoint. Ah yes, when it comes to air travel, it seems as though we encounter these scenarios more often than not. And with so many airlines packing us into planes like sardines these days, it’s… Read more »

7 (Accidental) Offensive Mistakes Americans Make Overseas

Proud to be an American? We are too. But when you’re on foreign soil, it’s much better—and safer—to blend in. Aside from offending the locals, not being mindful of the nuances of the local culture can make you a target to criminals… and even get you in trouble with the law. But have no fear;… Read more »

Business Etiquette Around the World: France

When traveling to an international city for business, there are several things to consider. Perhaps the most important are the culture and customs of each country. We’ve taken you around the world to places like the United Arab Emirates, Japan and Russia for an in-depth look on etiquette and traditions. Now let’s take a look at… Read more »

Holidays Around the World Part 5: Spain

We’ve taken you around the world to places like China and Brazil as well as Russia and Japan to educate you on some of the holidays celebrated in these regions. Our latest post in this series focused on Germany and Australia. Now let’s travel to Spain so you can prepare yourself for wherever your business… Read more »

Business Etiquette Around the World: Japan

With business travel expected to grow more than 3% in the next year, you may find yourself traveling more frequently. As the market continues to improve, don’t be surprised if your next trip is to Japan. The country is home to the third-largest economy and has seen steady growth since the end of the recession…. Read more »

Holidays Around the World Part 4: Thailand

We’ve taken you around the world to places like China and Brazil as well as Russia and Japan to educate you on some of the holidays celebrated in these regions. Our latest post in this series focused on Germany and Australia. Now let’s travel to Thailand so you can prepare yourself for wherever your business… Read more »

Five Ways to Avoid Hidden Business Travel Costs

As a business traveler, you’re responsible for ensuring that your travel expenses are in line with your company’s expense guidelines. This can be especially important if you work for a small company or start-up as you need to save the company’s precious financial resources. But with hidden costs lurking everywhere from major airlines to car… Read more »