Tag: travel etiquette

Holidays Around the World Part 3: Germany and Australia

We’ve taken a look at the official holidays observed in China, UAE and Brazil as well as Russia, India and Japan. Now, we’re traveling to Germany and Australia for an overview of the major holidays so that you’re better prepared for your business travels to these regions. Germany –Last year, business travel spending in Germany… Read more »

Holidays Around the World Part 2: Russia, India and Japan

Though the busiest holiday season has come to an end here in the U.S., many countries celebrate their major holidays throughout the rest of the year – some of which could impact your travels if you don’t plan accordingly. Our first post of this series focused on the official holidays observed in China, UAE and… Read more »

Holidays Around the World Part 1: China, UAE and Brazil

In business, timing is everything – and before you go abroad, it’s important to learn what other countries consider an appropriate and respectful time of year to schedule your plans. With the U.S.’ holiday season in full-swing, we thought we’d take a look at some popular international business destinations and the major holidays they celebrate… Read more »

13 Dining Etiquette Tips for Your Next Business Meal

dining business etiquette

Whether you’re grabbing a quick lunch with colleagues or need to impress a client at a formal dinner, maintaining a professional image is important. However, dining in a business setting can sometimes be tricky. Never fear!  Here’s a refresher of business dining etiquette tips to help you mind your manners and make a good impression… Read more »

Business Etiquette on the Road: Traveling With Your Boss

Employee and boss on a business trip

Traveling with your boss may sound intimidating, but if you play your cards right, it could be a great career opportunity. We put together a list of tips to help you make a good impression throughout your trip: 1)     Determine your responsibilities in advance: Talk to your manager before the trip to define your role. Who… Read more »

Business Etiquette Around the World: United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

If you haven’t already traveled to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), chances are you may find yourself there within the next few years.  According to the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority (ADTCA), the business travel market to the UAE is expected to double in value by 2020, reaching nearly $1.4 billion. Here are our… Read more »

Business Etiquette Around the World: China

Shanghai China

According to the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), China is expected to surpass the U.S. as the world’s most dominant business travel market as early as 2016. With Chinese business expected to be a growing revenue source for many U.S. companies, chances are you may find yourself in China in the near future. So if you’re… Read more »

Business Etiquette Around the World: India

India, the world’s second most-populated nation after China, is projected to have one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. In fact, PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts India to nearly draw level with the United States by 2050. However, for Western travelers, doing business in India can be a bewildering experience. There are all kinds of nuances and… Read more »

Business Etiquette Around the World: Brazil

Rio de Janeiro

If you’re headed to Latin America’s largest economy, here is our advice for navigating business dealings while you’re there — sans any embarrassing faux pas. Clothing Brazilians are known for their creativity and zest for life, which often translates into their wardrobes. Appearances count to Brazilians, and how you dress will reflect upon you and… Read more »

Business Etiquette Around the World: Russia

Home of the 2014 Winter Olympics and ranked as World Bank’s top BRIC in their ‘Ease of Doing Business Index,’ Russia is a popular destination for business travelers and expats alike. However, it’s important to remember that this Eastern country’s business culture is quite different from ours in the Western world. Have no fear — we’ve… Read more »