Category: Uncategorized

Monthly Risk Spotlight: June 2020

AMERICAS Widespread Protests Against Police Brutality and Systemic Racism in the United States Major protests erupted across all 50 states of the U.S. following the killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, by police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota on the 25th of May 2020. The incident, which was captured on video and is being… Read more »

Picking Up the Pieces of Higher Education Travel [On-Demand Webinar]

As the world re-opens for travel, we know that many higher education institutions have questions around re-engaging their study abroad programs. To help answer these questions, we recently teamed up with our friends at URMIA and Texas Christian University to discuss the key factors that impact the decision of when to resume travel. Upon viewing… Read more »

On Call’s Ryan DeStefano Answers Top Travel Restart FAQs

The world is starting to open up for travel again…and we know you have some questions! While there is a lot of great information out there about restarting your organization’s international travel programs, it’s also getting increasingly more difficult to sift through what’s relevant and decipher what it really means for your travelers and your… Read more »

Travel Restart Phase 1:
The Establishment of ‘Travel Bubbles’

The global pandemic has dealt a significant blow to world economies, including the tourism industry. As summer approaches, some countries are collaboratively attempting to salvage the tourist season by gradually easing restrictions while considering the implementation of special tourist corridors, also known as ‘travel bubbles.’ Travel bubbles are safe travel zones linking countries or states… Read more »

COVID-19 Resources Page for Travelers and Their Organizations

On Call International’s Medical and Security teams continue to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak and its relevance to global travel and programming abroad.  As such, providing credible and vetted resources to organizations and their travelers to help remain on the forefront of COVID-19 is a top priority for us. We know there is a lot of… Read more »

Monthly Risk Spotlight: May 2020

AMERICAS A Failed Coup Attempt in Venezuela Casts Light on the Weaknesses of the Venezuelan Opposition In early May 2020, with the world focused on the current pandemic, a group of some 60 Venezuelan exiles and at least two former American soldiers attempted a raid in Venezuela to topple President Nicolas Maduro. The raid failed… Read more »

Malaria: A Travel Health Q+A With On Call’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Siegart

Amid current circumstances, it’s easy to overlook that all the infectious diseases in the world prior to the pandemic are still out there. According to Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Siegart, “Malaria continues to be an important topic in travel health and is one of the most severe worldwide public health problems in the world today…. Read more »

Helping Travelers, Every Day:
COVID-19 Assistance Snapshot

On Call’s mission has always been helping travelers in their time of need, every day, and the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different. The pandemic presented some interesting challenges, unique barriers and some extremely nuanced complications amid our efforts to return people home, but nothing that our Global Assistance teams couldn’t handle. It was a… Read more »

Travel Risk Management: Incident Recovery, Repatriation, and Program Adaptation

As COVID-19 continues to progress and international travel anticipates its resurgence, now is a great time for organizations to explore how they can bolster their Travel Risk Management (TRM) programs.  One of the areas that is often overlooked is the timeframe toward the end of an incident that is designed to ensure traveler recovery. The… Read more »