Study Abroad Part 2: Five Tips for a Safe Trip

In Part One of our series, we offered tips on staying healthy when you study abroad. In addition to your healthy habits, you should also be aware of some safety concerns you could encounter while you’re away from home. Since a new school year is just around the corner, in Part Two, we’re sharing the

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Travel Health Update: The New Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) FAQs

You may have been hearing a lot in the news lately about a disease called the coronavirus that has been cropping up around the world.  The new coronavirus, which experts recently named MERS-CoV or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, first emerged in Saudi Arabia in the Spring of 2012. Since then, it has spread to

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Studying Abroad Part 1: Five Tips for a Healthy Trip

With summer coming to an end and back-to-school season quickly approaching, many college students are preparing for a semester or year abroad.  In fact, the number of study abroad students is at an all-time high. According to the annual Open Doors Report, approximately 274,000 American students traveled abroad during the 2010-2011 school year. If you’re

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Travel Assistance 101: What to Do if Your Wallet is Lost or Stolen While Traveling

Losing your wallet—especially while traveling—can be nerve-wracking, frustrating and costly.  While that’s not a situation anyone would like to experience first-hand, if you’re prepared and know what to expect, you can actually make things a lot easier on yourself. If you’re an On Call member, contact us right away and we’ll help you through it.

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On Call in Action: Passport Snafu at Airport Security

Whether you’re traveling for business, school, or pleasure, it’s safe to say that things don’t always go as planned. (Good thing you always remember to pack your On Call card!) But here’s the thing: unless you’ve actually experienced a travel emergency (a broken leg, lost prescription, stolen passport, or even a legal mix-up), it’s hard to imagine how travel

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How to Avoid Common Travel Illnesses

Last month, we talked about infectious travel diseases and how to minimize your risk of getting them. Luckily your chances of catching a disease on a trip are quite slim, but travel illnesses can crop up when you least expect them. Whether you’re traveling close to home or taking a long-haul flight across the globe,

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Productive Ways to Fill Downtime on Your Next Business Trip

You’re in London for a conference, and the last presentation ends at 2 p.m. You have six hours to kill before dinner with associates – now what? A recent survey by National Car Rental shows that 44% of business travelers reward themselves by spending their downtime sampling local cuisine (more than any other activity!) While

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Time Management for Business Travelers: 5 Sanity-Saving Tips That Work

A recent poll conducted for Fairfield Inn & Suites found that 67% of the most frequent business travelers said they work twice as much on the road as they do in the office. But with all the extra time you’re clocking, how accomplished do you really feel at the end of your trip? If you’re sick

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Beat the Heat: Advice for Safe & Healthy Summer Travels

Summer is in full swing and so are its soaring temperatures. If you’re planning on spending time outdoors during your summer travels, it’s important to take the following precautions to keep you and your family safe and healthy. Prevent Heat-Related Illnesses As temperatures and humidity levels rise, so does the risk of the following heat-related illnesses:

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