LGBT Travel: Considerations & Resources for Trips Overseas

Attitudes towards LGBT travelers around the world can be very different from those in the United States. And while most LGBT travelers won’t encounter any problems abroad, the better prepared you are, the less likely you are to run into any issues. We hope the following information will help you plan for your next international

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Beat the Clock: Our Best Advice for Fighting Jetlag

Jetlag. It’s a travel reality we can all relate to—you get off a flight in a completely different time zone exhausted, sore and grumpy and all you want to do is go to bed. Instead, you’re committed to a full day of business meetings or jumping into a power-packed vacation. No one likes feeling jetlagged

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Going Against the Grain: Tips for Gluten-Free Travel

A gluten-free lifestyle can be challenging, and gluten-free travel is no exception. Whether you have Celiac Disease, gluten sensitivity or follow a gluten-free diet by choice, finding restaurants and grocery stores that cater to your needs can be tricky – and the consequences of unintentionally consuming foods with gluten could pose serious health challenges during

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Senior Citizen Travel: A Guide to Healthier, Safer & Less Hectic Trips

For many, your golden years mean retirement and plenty of time for travel and exploration—in fact, some seniors might say that traveling is their fountain of youth! However, as seniors, you can have a different perspective on travel as well as your own set of health and safety considerations. Luckily, there are some things you

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Know Before You Go: How to Stay Safe During a Travel Alert

Last month, the U.S. Department of State issued a Worldwide Travel Alert warning Americans of the continued potential for terrorist attacks abroad, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa, and possibly occurring in or deriving from the Arabian Peninsula. Travel alerts are issued to distribute information about short-term conditions, either trans-national or within a

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Travel Assistance 101: How to Secure Emergency Funds While Traveling Abroad

It could happen to anyone, even the most prepared and cautious travelers. Halfway through your trip to Europe, your wallet – along with your cash, ATM and credit cards – have gone MIA. A wave of panic comes over you—if only you had remembered to pack that stash of cash and an extra credit card

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On Call Celebrates 18 Years

On Call International is 18 years old! It’s been our pleasure to help travelers in need for nearly two decades. The On Call team celebrated aboard The Seaport Elite II and enjoyed safe and happy travels of our own with a scenic cruise around Boston Harbor. Check out the photos below to join the celebration

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On Call in Action: Heart Complications on Caribbean Cruise

On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day: This Month: Traveler Needs

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Summer Travel Round-Up: Our Best Advice for End-of-Season Trips

We hate to admit it, but summer is ending just as quickly as it arrived – but thankfully, it’s not over just yet! Last year, AAA Travel projected 33 million Americans would travel 50 miles or more from home over Labor Day weekend.  With gas prices finally leveling off around the country, travel trends may

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