On Call’s Traveler Experience: An Inside Look

When travelers get in touch with us, it’s because they have some kind of travel problem and need assistance while they’re away. When that happens, our team at On Call recognizes that today’s travelers demand the best of both worlds: a caring and empathetic person who truly wants to solve their problems and a streamlined

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On Call’s Travel Risk Management Newsletter: Summer 2023

Summer isn’t over yet…but it is coming up to that time of year when activities are winding down, and the Fall is well within reach. Are you ready to step into the busy Fall travel season with a solid strategy for managing risks and keeping travelers safe? We can help! On Call’s email newsletter keeps

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Helping Travelers Every Day: Global Emergency Assistance Snapshot

From medical and security emergencies to more common concerns like a delayed flight or missing passport–here at On Call, every phone call (or live chat, text, or email!) we receive is an opportunity to help someone get prepared for travel or solve a problem while they’re away. Read our latest global emergency assistance snapshot for

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Monthly Risk Spotlight: July 2023

AMERICAS Strong El Niño Event Expected for 2023  Often misunderstood and globally impactful, El Niño, the naturally occurring phenomenon that warms the waters off the Pacific Coast of South America, is due to begin this year and will likely have major effects across the globe. Under normal circumstances, the Pacific experiences a consistent movement of

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Off the Beaten Path Travel: Considerations & Advice From On Call’s Chief Medical Officer

Whether it’s for work, school, or volunteer assignment – people inevitably travel to places off the beaten path, and with that, comes a certain degree of risk – particularly when traveling to destinations with limited resources. This article from our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Michelle Nathan, is aimed at sharing insights with organizations on how

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Ask the Travel Emergency Expert: How to Plan for Smoother, Safer Travels With On Call’s Kristin Toth

Before something goes amiss on your next trip, consider taking some expert travel planning advice from On Call’s Kristin Toth, who specializes in these ‘go-wrong’ scenarios. As the Vice President of Operations, Kristin oversees all of On Call’s Global Emergency Assistance Teams who are responsible for helping people with their travel problems, day in and

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The Risk Intelligence Toolbox: Streamlining the Travel Decision-Making Process

Navigating an increasingly uncertain global risk climate can be challenging—particularly for those responsible for fostering a safe and rewarding environment for students, faculty, and staff abroad. Luckily, intelligence can play a critical role in making sound decisions even during the most complex circumstances—allowing organizations to avoid ‘analysis paralysis’ while identifying the best path forward. In

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Monthly Risk Spotlight: June 2023

AMERICAS Second Attempt at South American Integration In a continent historically divided among itself, where political ideologies can manifest in extreme shifts to the right or left side of the political spectrum and where regional rivalries are plentiful, there is an ongoing, revitalized attempt to create a South American regional block. If successful, a South

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Travel Assistance 101: What to Do When Your Flight is Cancelled or Delayed

A canceled or delayed flight can be stressful for anyone from first-time flyers to even the most seasoned travelers. However, the good news is, that there are tips and tricks that anyone can have in their ‘travel assistance toolboxes’ to help minimize the impacts from these setbacks. On Call’s Global Response Center receives several of

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