Monthly Risk Spotlight: June 2021

AMERICAS Peru’s Presidential Election and Future Impacts On Sunday, 6 June the Peruvian Presidential runoff election was held. As of this writing, the far-left candidate and head of the Free Peru Party Pedro Castillo is holding a slim lead (50.244%) over the conservative candidate and head of the Popular Force Party Keiko Fujimori (49.756%) with

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On Call Teams Up With OnSolve to Provide Travel Monitoring & Critical Event Management Solution

On Call has teamed up with OnSolve, the world’s leading Critical Event Management platform, to deliver an all-in-one, end-to-end approach to travel risk management via actionable intelligence, travel monitoring, critical communications, and emergency response capabilities. Many organizations have people and operations around the globe, which means they face increasingly complex challenges in responding to critical

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Managing the Complexities of a Medical Evacuation Abroad

Managing the complexities associated with a medical evacuation abroad can be a complicated process–is your organization prepared to carry out an evacuation effectively and make informed decisions on behalf of your travelers in need? We recently teamed up with our friends at Allegiant Global Partners to present a scenario that requires a medical evacuation amid

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Behind the Scenes: How a Medical Evacuation Works

Have you ever wondered how a medical evacuation works? You can never predict when, where, or even if one of your travelers will get sick or injured overseas—however, in the unfortunate event it happens, knowing how to effectively react is more than half the battle. Our medical evacuation guide for organizations will reveal how this

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Monthly Risk Spotlight: May 2021

AMERICAS Tax Reform Proposal Sparks Protests in Colombia Wednesday, 28 April the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) trade union initiated a national strike (paro nacional) and led mass protests in response to a proposed tax reform championed by President Iván Duque Márquez’s administration. At the time of writing this article, sustained mass protests in Medellín,

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On Call’s Spring 2021 Newsletter: TRM Trends, Information, and Resources

…Did you know? On Call’s quarterly newsletter, TRM Today, will help you keep a pulse on the complex and ever-changing world of travel risk management and duty of care. Our Spring 2021 edition just dropped to our subscribers and is jam-packed with news, information, and resources that will help you continue to evolve and adapt

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Monthly Risk Spotlight: April 2021

AMERICAS Thousands Displaced as Venezuela Targets Colombian Guerilla Group in Borderlands On 21 March the Venezuelan military-initiated operations targeting an offshoot of the disbanded Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerilla group known as the Tenth Front in Venezuela’s Apure state along the Venezuela/Colombia border. The borderlands shared by these two countries have long been

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Avoiding Periscope Paralysis: Practicing Horizon Scanning and Situational Awareness for All International Travel Risks

When a submarine dives to avoid surface detection and protect itself by avoiding threats from above, it may raise its periscope from time to time to get a sense of the threat from above. If that operator just focuses on the one threat that drove them below without using its other senses – like radar

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Helping Travelers Every Day: Security Assistance in Sri Lanka

From medical emergencies to security concerns—or any other travel issue big or small—here at On Call, the health and safety of the travelers we serve is our top priority. Read our latest case study for an inside look at how On Call’s Global Assistance Teams work around the clock to fulfill our mission of helping

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