On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day:

This Month:
Hector* was in London meeting with an important client the week before Christmas. After a busy week, he was looking forward to heading home to Boston to spend some quality time with his family for the holidays. Once he arrived at Heathrow Airport, he learned that his direct flight to Logan Airport was cancelled due to a heavy snow storm in Boston. The inclement weather caused hundreds of flight delays and cancellations, leaving Hector stranded at the airport just three days before Christmas. Unable to find an available flight using his smartphone and facing long, slow-moving lines at the service counters, Hector worried he’d miss Christmas with his family. He turned to his company’s travel risk management partner, On Call International, for help.
On Call to the Rescue
Hector remembered through his company’s employee emergency resource training that he could call On Call collect, which was especially helpful in avoiding long distance phone charges while abroad.
On Call contacted several major airlines on Hector’s behalf and, despite the lack of available seats on commercial flights that time of year, was able to arrange for him to be on the next available stand-by flight the following evening. On Call also booked Hector a one-night stay in a nearby hotel so he wouldn’t have to spend the night in the crowded airport, and arranged for his transportation to the hotel.
The Greatest Gift
After a good night’s rest, Hector was relieved when he learned he was moved to the passenger list from stand-by and that the flight was on schedule. He had a smooth flight back to Boston, where he arrived the morning of Christmas Eve. Thanks to On Call, Hector received the gift he wanted most that year – time with his loved ones.
*Names have been changed to protect traveler privacy.
Want to learn more about On Call’s proactive and holistic travel risk management solutions? Contact us today.