Helping Travelers Every Day: Violent Protests in Haiti

Background After the government announced a sharp increase in gasoline prices, major protests broke out in Haiti in early July 2018. These demonstrations resulted in significant disruption within the country’s capital city, Port-au-Prince, as well as other towns across the country. Roadblocks prevented many travelers from making their flights and obtaining additional supplies. At least

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Monthly Risk Spotlight: August

On Call International’s Monthly Risk Spotlight highlights events of heightened importance in assessing risk to travel and operations abroad.   Americas Migration Patterns in Latin America Several significant migration patterns are occurring in Latin America due to a variety of factors including political unrest, economic concerns, and simply a lack of opportunity. Primarily, the view

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On Call in Action: Ebola Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo

On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day: Ebola Outbreak in the

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Trends in Global Risk: Q2-2018

Want to enhance your understanding of stories you see on the news and apply them to your organization’s travel risk management strategies? We can help! On Call’s Global Risk Update is just what you need for garnering insights that can help your organization meet its duty of care and better protect your traveling population. In

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Diabetes and Air Travel: A Guide for Your Travelers

Traveling can be exciting and rewarding, but traveling with a chronic medical condition can sometimes add additional stress and complexity. One of the most common chronic diseases affecting travelers is diabetes. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed every year. “Travelers with diabetes face a special challenge; however, most

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Protests and Demonstrations: Traveler Safety and Preparation Advice [INFOGRAPHIC]

In certain areas of the world, protests and demonstrations are quite common—and while they can be influential and exciting, they can also lead to chaos, violence, and can compromise one’s safety. Whether initiated by activists, unions, police, hate groups, or others, it’s important for your travelers to know what they should do if they find

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Get Ahead of the Storm: Hurricane Preparedness & Response Playbook

After last year’s devastating hurricane season, many organizations and their travelers learned it’s not enough to focus solely on how to ride out a major storm—it’s critical to also consider proactive measures that can build a resilient plan even before a storm occurs. As the peak of 2018’s hurricane season approaches, we want to help

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When Terror Strikes: What Travelers Should Do During an Attack Abroad

While the chances of encountering a terrorist attack abroad are low, there’s still no doubt the world is an unpredictable place. Add to that the heightened threat of terrorism targeting Western interests globally, and it’s important for anyone traveling abroad to be prepared for the worst case scenario. With that in mind, we spoke to

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Protecting Your Travelers from Foodborne Illnesses

The recent outbreaks of E. coli and Salmonella in the U.S. draw attention to the possibility of acquiring a foodborne illness, even in resource-rich areas. And for travelers, the risks can be even higher. According to On Call’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. William Siegart, “When traveling, one should be mindful of foodborne illness risks, particularly

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