On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day:

Medical Emergency in Remote Area of Chile
Ted* and his wife were taking a guided tour in Chile when Ted slipped and took a bad fall. He was in intense pain and knew he had seriously injured something. The tour operator called local emergency services, and Ted was rushed to the closest medical facility. The facility was in a remote area and was unlikely to be able to provide the level of care he needed. Remembering their access to travel risk management services from On Call International, his wife reached out to On Call’s Global Response Center for assistance.
On Call to the Rescue
On Call immediately took action to help Ted and his wife determine their next steps. X-rays showed Ted had fractured his pelvis, so On Call arranged a consultation with Ted’s treating doctor and our Medical Director. Based on Ted’s x-rays and medical condition, On Call recommended Ted return home to the U.S. under the care of one of our Rescue Nurses for further treatment. Our transportation team immediately went to work to arrange his flight home and also assisted Ted’s wife with her flight arrangements so she could be travel on the same plane as her husband.
Safe Arrival Home
The next morning, our Rescue Nurse arrived at the hospital and performed a full physical assessment to confirm Ted was safe to travel. Our Rescue Nurse helped Ted through the airport and administered medication to keep Ted comfortable during the flight. Following the flight, our transportation team confirmed Ted had arrived safely at his home hospital. Ted and his wife were so thankful to have On Call by their side to help Ted get home to the care he needed.
Want to learn more about On Call’s proactive and holistic travel risk management solutions? Contact us today.