On Call in Action: Air Pollution Dangers

On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day:

This Month 
Lincoln,* an executive from Milwaukee, was in the process of finalizing a major deal for his company. The last step was to visit the potential client in Beijing to negotiate the fine print. Before he departed, Lincoln’s company provided him with information about the air pollution problems in China and reviewed several safety precautions, such as always wearing a face mask outside. Keeping these precautions in mind, Lincoln felt confident about his trip. On the day of the big meeting, the air pollution was at a hazardous level. Lincoln woke up with a headache and a sore throat, but was focused on his meeting. When he stepped outside, he realized he left his face mask in the hotel. Already running late, he decided not to go back to his room. After arriving at the client’s office, he found himself short of breath and lightheaded. He tried to get a drink of water, but fell to the floor. His colleagues immediately called for an ambulance and notified their employer.

On Call to the Rescue
Lincoln’s employer notified On Call International, the company’s travel risk management provider, of the situation. We advised his employer we would ensure Lincoln’s doctors were capable of treating his condition and keep them updated (with his permission). When we reached out to the hospital, the doctor explained that Lincoln was already a high-risk candidate for asthma and the air pollution exacerbated his symptoms.

Our medical director recommended Lincoln stay overnight and be released in the morning provided his oxygen levels were stable. He also recommended that Lincoln follow up with his primary care physician upon arriving home.

Closing the Deal
Once Lincoln was released from the hospital, he returned to his hotel and immediately called his client. The client was more than willing to make time for another meeting considering the circumstances. Lincoln was relieved to have On Call by his side during this unexpected complication and was looking forward to closing the deal.

*Names have been changed to protect traveler privacy.

Want to learn more about On Call’s proactive and holistic travel risk management solutions? Contact us today.