Category: Uncategorized

Top 5 Reasons Travel Agents Should Offer On Call Memberships

We just returned from the Travel Retailing and Destination Expo, hosted by the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA). We had a blast talking to agents and networking with others in the travel industry, as well as sharing with everyone just why having travel assistance is so important for every trip! Many people rely on… Read more »

Road Trip: How to Drive Safely in Mexico

Taking to the road to explore neighbor to the south? Driving around Mexico offers great opportunities to see the sights off the beaten path. With the right precautions, you’ll be set for an amazing adventure. Here are some tips to help make your trip safer: *Always purchase insurance. If you’re involved in an automobile accident… Read more »

Tips for Safe and Fun Labor Day Travel

The end of summer is upon us. As everyone prepares for cooler weather and back to school, many are planning Labor Day trips for summer’s last hurrah. Whether you’re planning a long weekend of camping, visiting the beach, or staying with family, here are some tips to help make sure your travels are safe and… Read more »

Travel Tips for Hurricane Irene

Your plans might be changing pretty quickly with Hurricane Irene currently affecting the Bahamas and expected to slam parts of the East Coast. Here are a few quick tips to make your travel schedule a bit smoother this weekend. 1.    Stay Tuned & Connected – Watch the news! See what stations are saying at your… Read more »

Exclusive Travel Assistance Flash Sale Code Now Available!

This week, On Call International is celebrating the one- year anniversary of our Single Trip, Annual, and Academic Memberships, and we’d like you to join in the excitement! Missed the details? Check our sale announcement to learn more. Use the code in our exclusive, one-hour flash sale on August 26th. At 2 pm ET, 11am… Read more »

Tips to Prepare for Your Study Abroad Travels

As we head into back-to-school season, many college students are prepping for semesters abroad. If studying abroad is on your schedule this school year, here are some tips as you pack and plan your trip. * Take brand name products you can’t live without. This is especially important if you’re traveling to Africa, Asia and… Read more »

Advice and Tips for London-bound Travelers

For the past several days, rioting and looting in London has been widespread. While the U.S. State Department has not issued any Travel Alerts or Travel Warnings for visitors to the U.K., On Call recommends that travelers avoid visiting retail centers and follow the advice and emergency public service announcements from authorities. Additional violence is… Read more »

NAFSA, a Success for On Call!

A big “Thank You” to everyone who joined us at NAFSA’s 63rd Annual Conference and Expo! Nearly 9,000 people from around the globe flocked to Vancouver for the largest international education event in the world.   View from the NAFSA Conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada NAFSA 2011 Conference and Expo not only featured educational seminars… Read more »

NAFSA, here we come… On Call is on the road to Vancouver!

On Call International is heading to the NAFSA 2011 Annual Conference and Expo!  We’re shipping out to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from May 29 to June 3 for the most widely-attended international education event in the world. This year marks the 63rd Annual NAFSA Conference, and our Academic Global Risk Team is excited to participate!… Read more »