It’s no secret that more Americans are venturing to Cuba due to loosened restrictions and the reopening of the U.S. embassy earlier this year. In fact, according to Business Insider, the island has seen close to 40% more American visitors since this time period last year. With so many organizations and higher education institutions taking
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Deep Vein Thrombosis and Travel: Common FAQs
One of the most overlooked travel illnesses is deep vein thrombosis, aka DVT. Roughly 1 in 1,000 people will experience DVT each year, and research has shown that anyone sitting in one place for longer than four hours, such as during a long flight, can be at risk. The CDC is working to raise awareness,
Read MoreA Step Ahead: Sharing Economy Use During Business Travel [INFOGRAPHIC]
As the popularity of sharing economy services like Uber, Lyft and Airbnb rises rapidly, people will inevitably start using these services on business trips (if they’re not doing so already). In preparation, employers are already adapting their existing travel policies to the new sharing economy, right? Well, not exactly… According to our recent national survey,
Read MoreAir Travel Etiquette: 5 Ways to Be a Better Passenger
We’ve all been there – the screaming kid. The talker. The frazzled, unprepared traveler holding everyone up at the security checkpoint. Ah yes, when it comes to air travel, it seems as though we encounter these scenarios more often than not. And with so many airlines packing us into planes like sardines these days, it’s
Read MoreThree (More) Emerging Trends That Could Affect Your Company’s Travel Policy
If your staff has been getting from Point A to Point B without any monumental issues, perhaps there’s no motivation to address your company’s current travel policy. However, why not be proactive and make a few updates before something actually goes wrong? Last month we talked about risky behaviors, bleisure and the sharing economy and
Read MoreMalaria and Travel: Are You at Risk?
In 2013, there were 198 million cases of malaria and over 500,000 deaths. Malaria is prevalent throughout the world in tropical and subtropical countries, particularly Africa and South America. And while the disease can be fully treated if caught early enough, there are actually several preventative measures travelers can take to prevent Malaria in the
Read MoreOn Call in Action: Family Emergency During Conference
On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day: This Month Benjamin*, a
Read MoreThree Emerging Trends That Could Affect Your Company’s Travel Policy
Is your company’s travel policy collecting dust? Staying on top of current cultural and business realities is crucial for any well-managed TRM program. Unrealistic and out-of-date policies are more likely to be ignored by employees, which not only puts them at risk, but your company as well. Check out some of these emerging industry trends
Read MoreLGBT Safety Advice for International Business Travelers
Post last updated on 8/22/2016. Attitudes and laws toward the LGBT community around the world can be very different from those in the United States. And while most LGBT travelers won’t experience any issues abroad, without proactive planning your LGBT travelers—and your organization—could be at risk. Share this information with your LGBT travelers to help them prepare
Read More7 (Accidental) Offensive Mistakes Americans Make Overseas
Proud to be an American? We are too. But when you’re on foreign soil, it’s much better—and safer—to blend in. Aside from offending the locals, not being mindful of the nuances of the local culture can make you a target to criminals… and even get you in trouble with the law. But have no fear;
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