After-Action Reviews: An Important Component of Your Travel Risk Management Plan

Despite the significant amount of time and effort that goes into emergency planning, organizations frequently overlook a critical aspect of a comprehensive travel risk management plan: after-action reviews (AARs). Conducting an AAR following an incident can help an organization better understand how to streamline crisis response. After-action reviews also allow organizations to gain input from

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The 2016-2017 Flu Season: 7 Things Your Travelers Should Know

The flu is contagious respiratory disease that infects the nose, throat, and lungs. Often confused with the common cold, the flu can actually lead to some serious complications if left untreated. In fact, 5% to 20% of the U.S. population gets the flu and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from complications each year. also reports

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Study Abroad Etiquette: China

As statistics have shown, the number of students studying abroad has tripled in the last few decades and about 10 percent of all U.S. undergraduate students will study abroad by the time they graduate. In this blog series, we’ll provide some simple etiquette tips for popular study abroad destinations. Along with Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom and France, China

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How to Help Prepare Students for Unconventional Study Abroad Destinations

For students headed to less traditional destinations, the positives may seem endless: an enriched cultural experience, an adventure of a lifetime, an opportunity to step out of one’s comfort zone…however, as students forgo classic study abroad destinations and set their sights on more challenging travel climates, this not only creates an additional layer of uncertainty

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Smartphones and Travel: Staying Connected (Without Breaking the Bank)

Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and 46% say their phones are something they “couldn’t live without.” Which isn’t at all shocking; after all, people are turning to their mobile devices to do much more than text, call or email these days…and travel is no exception. Whether it’s keeping up with breaking news,

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Travel Trend Alert: Corporate VolunTOURism

Volunteering to help people in need combined with traveling to faraway places is gaining in popularity. In fact, with more than 1.6 million people spending over $2 billion a year, “voluntourism” (aka social impact tourism) is claiming its spot as one of the fastest-growing travel trends today.  This trend also helps corporations, employees and volunteer

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Study Abroad Etiquette: Spain

As statistics have shown, the number of students studying abroad has tripled in the last few decades and about 10 percent of all U.S. undergraduate students will study abroad by the time they graduate. In this blog series, we’ll provide some simple etiquette tips for popular study abroad destinations. Along with France, Italy, the United Kingdom

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On Call in Action: Criminal Activity in the Streets

On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day: This Month: David* and

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Do This, Not That: 8 (Avoidable) Mistakes Travelers Make Overseas

Are you fairly new to the world of travel…but don’t want to blow your cover? Or, maybe you’ve put in some serious frequent flier miles, but you still find yourself repeating the same mistakes over (and over) again? No one is a perfect traveler, but with a little extra preparation we can all get a

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