From medical emergencies to security concerns—or any other travel issue big or small—here at On Call, the health and safety of the travelers we serve is our top priority. Read our latest case study for an inside look at how On Call’s Global Assistance Teams work around the clock to fulfill our mission of helping travelers in their time of need, every day:

An expatriate was working on a multi-year assignment in Kazakhstan, where her daughter was staying with her due to the length of the assignment. As the expatriate was leaving for work one morning, her daughter complained of feeling unwell. She had a fever, an intense headache, neck pain, and was extremely disoriented. Immediately concerned, the expatriate reached out to her employer’s travel risk management provider, On Call International, for assistance.
On Call Steps In:
On Call located the nearest hospital and arranged the young girl’s emergency transportation to the facility. After an initial assessment, her mother called us to explain that her daughter’s treating doctor suspected meningitis. On Call’s Medical Director consulted with the treating doctor and determined Hayley would need an emergency air ambulance transfer to the closest pediatric neurologist. After weighing a variety of factors, On Call identified Istanbul, Turkey, as the best location for the young girl due to her condition.
On Call’s transportation team quickly arranged Hayley’s air ambulance transfer. After obtaining the necessary permits and securing her hospital admission, Hayley and her mother were transported to Istanbul that evening. The doctors in Istanbul confirmed Hayley was suffering from viral meningitis and needed treatment with fluid, bed rest and antibiotics until her symptoms subsided.
Outcome- A Safe Trip Home:
After two weeks of treatment, the young girl’s symptoms began to improve. Her treating doctors cleared her to return to Kazakhstan, and On Call’s Medical Director determined she could fly safely with her mother acting as her non-medical escort. On Call arranged the flight and later confirmed their safe arrival.
Want to learn even more about On Call’s security assistance services and travel risk management solutions? Contact us today.
For over 25 years, On Call International has provided fully-customized travel risk management and global assistance services protecting millions of travelers, their families, and their organizations. Contact us today and watch our video to learn more. You can also stay in touch with On Call’s subject matter experts by signing up for our quarterly Travel Risk Management (TRM) newsletter.