From medical and security emergencies to more common concerns like a delayed flight or missing passport–here at On Call, every phone call (or live chat, text, or email!) we receive is an opportunity to help someone get prepared for travel or solve a problem while they’re away.
Read our latest global emergency assistance snapshot for an inside look at how On Call’s Global Response Center Teams work diligently around the clock, every day, to fulfill our mission of helping travelers in their time of need.

Medical Repatriation in Spain
A traveler in Spain suffered from a severe leg injury as a result of a bad fall while taking photos. On Call’s Global Response Center quickly coordinated the arrival of a Rescue Nurse in the traveler’s location and secured her admission to a hospital in Florida. Once the Rescue Nurse arrived at the traveler’s bedside, the nurse remained with her until she was safely delivered to his receiving hospital.
Medical Evacuation in Costa Rica
A volunteer group leader in Costa Rica was hospitalized due to a heart attack. Further complicating matters, the traveler had a pacemaker and needed to be transported to the same hospital where his pacemaker was installed for further treatment and stabilization. On Call urgently coordinated the arrival of an emergency air ambulance at the traveler’s location and secured his admission to the hospital in New York that originally installed the pacemaker. Once the air ambulance team arrived at the traveler’s bedside, the team remained with him until he was safely delivered to his receiving hospital.
Guarantee of Admission Payment in Thailand
A student in Thailand was diagnosed with severe anxiety and was seeking immediate medical attention in country. The student was unable to pay for the related medical expenses and contacted On Call for assistance. From there, On Call was able to place a guarantee of payment for the student’s hospital stay. Once the student received treatment, she was able to successfully continue her trip.
Prescription Replacement in the Netherlands
A business traveler with a chronic health condition lost his medication while in the Netherlands. After coordinating with his treating doctor at home, On Call’s Global Response Center arranged for the traveler to see a local physician to obtain a new prescription. After the appointment, the prescription was available at a pharmacy close to his hotel.
LGBTQ+ Legal Advice in Taiwan
A transgender student traveling in Taiwan needed legal advice on transporting needed medications through countries where they could be perceived as illegal substances. On Call’s Global Response Center Team consulted with the university and the student on the safest routes, helping the traveler feel more confident and secure through the remainder of the trip.
Local Medical Referral in Japan
A volunteer worker in Japan got a bug bite that was swelling and causing serious concern. After the traveler sent a text message to On Call’s Global Response Center, On Call coordinated an appointment at a local dermatologist’s office that was just a three-minute walk from his hostel. From there, the traveler was treated for the bug bite and was able to successfully continue his trip.
Evacuation Support From Sudan
In mid-April 2023, the capital city Khartoum, Sudan experienced significant political instability, showing concerning signs that violence could erupt any day. On Call’s Global Security Team immediately identified this as a potential flashpoint and published a preliminary incident brief on 14 April warning clients of the news and forecasting risk that war could follow. War did indeed follow, and On Call received outreach from multiple clients with travelers in Khartoum sheltering in place amid the fighting. On Call’s Security Team worked around the clock in the weeks to follow advising travelers on the fighting, the status of ceasefires, evacuation convoys and routes, and publishing additional informational incident briefs. Through this intelligence, On Call International enabled the safe relocation and evacuation of travelers out of Khartoum and out of harm’s way.
Earthquake Assistance in Turkey
A group of travelers outreached On Call’s Global Security Team to request earthquake assistance in Turkey. Adding complexity to the situation, one of the travelers suffered from a broken arm when their home collapsed and thus needed immediate medical attention. On Call’s Global Security Team immediately identified options for the travelers to be extracted out of Hatay to receive medical care and adequate shelter. After the group had a chance to recuperate and rest up for onward travel, the travelers departed the country via a commercial flight. On Call’s Global Security Team monitored the travelers’ journey until it was confirmed they touched back down in their home countries safe and sound.
Personal Safety Threat Support in South Sudan
An NGO worker in Mankien received a personal safety threat and reached out to On Call International for assistance. Using local intelligence sources, On Call was able to verify this was a legitimate threat from a local group and recommended the traveler depart from the region. Ultimately, after speaking with several different local contacts and scoping available transportation options, On Call’s Global Security Team identified and contacted the global UN Charter Office in Rome. The Global UN Charter Office then connected On Call with the South Sudan Charter UN Office’s after-hours contact. There, On Call’s Global Security Team was able to directly connect the NGO worker and the South Sudan UN Charter Office to discuss the situation. An emergency flight was scheduled for the next morning to pick the worker up from Mankien to be transported over to Juba. On Call monitored the NGO worker until a safe arrival in Juba was confirmed.
For over 25 years, On Call International has provided fully-customized travel risk management and global emergency assistance services protecting millions of travelers, their families, and their organizations. Contact us today to learn more.