On Call International helps organizations and their travelers take a proactive and holistic approach to not only managing emergencies when they arise—but also planning for and even preventing them before they happen. Tune in each month to see how On Call International helps with travel problems, big and small, every day:

This Month: Man Loses His Wallet While on an Anniversary Trip with His Wife
Steve* and his wife, Karen,* were vacationing in Spain to celebrate their anniversary. After a delicious lunch at a café in Madrid, Steve reached for his wallet and realized he must have left it at a shop they visited earlier that afternoon. Revisiting the shop and frantically retracing their steps left Steve with an unfortunate conclusion – his wallet, along with his credit cards, ATM card and cash, were missing.
Steve couldn’t believe he made such a careless mistake. Luckily, he and his wife were enrolled in a travel assistance plan, and Steve knew he could call On Call for help.
On Call to the Rescue
On Call advised Steve to file a police report and provided language interpretation services to help him work with the local authorities. On Call also called Steve at his hotel and connected him with his bank and credit card companies to cancel and reissue his cards.
Because Steve and Karen lost all their spare cash with the wallet, On Call contacted their family to secure emergency funds via Western Union. Fortunately, there was a pick-up location within walking distance from their hotel.
Anniversary Trip Resumes
With On Call’s help, Steve and Karen were able to continue their trip with enough means to eat, pay for transportation, explore the sights and enjoy the local culture. Though his wallet was never recovered, Steve was relieved that his anniversary trip — and his credit — weren’t ruined.
* Names have been changed to protect traveler privacy.
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