7 Sanity-Saving Winter Travel Packing Tips

Travelers planning trips to cold weather destinations are faced with an interesting conundrum: Over pack and you’ll be dragging unwanted weight and bulk through airports, hotels and new cities. Under pack and you could find yourself on a wild goose chase, scouring shops in unfamiliar destinations for what you need to stay warm. Have no

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DIY Traveler’s First Aid Kit

When it comes to travel health and safety, you’ll hear us say time and time again how important it is to pack a travel first aid kit– whether you’re headed to a remote location or even just planning a weekend getaway close to home. A travel first aid kit is an efficient way to prepare

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Healthy Eating While Traveling: At Your Destination

If you followed the advice in our previous post, your bags are packed with healthy snacks and you made it out off the plane cheeseburger and french fry free. Now it’s time to keep your positive momentum going and stick to your New Year’s resolutions no matter what type of trip you’re on. Whether you’re

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Healthy Eating While Traveling: Before You Arrive

Ahhhhhhh. You took some time off around the holidays and now you feel relaxed and recharged. You made your New Year’s resolutions, and like many people, one of your top action items is to eat healthier. Sounds great in theory, but there’s just a slight glitch – your next trip is coming up soon. Luckily

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10 Travel Resolutions Worth Making…and Keeping!

According to researchers, 50% of the population makes resolutions each New Year. Without fail, the top resolutions are consistently related to weight loss, exercise, smoking cessation, and debt reduction. If you’ve noticed yours are the same old tasks and chores, why not consider adding some travel resolutions to your list? Here are 10 travel resolutions

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A Look Back: Top Travel Headlines of 2012

From the sinking of the Costa Concordia, to the London Olympics and Hurricane Sandy, 2012 was certainly a big year for travel headlines. On Call International takes you around the world (don’t forget to pack your travel assistance membership card!) to sample some of the most interesting travel stories in the world this year: Italian

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Staying Healthy Before, During and After Your Winter Travels

A travel survey done earlier this year revealed that 63 percent of travelers reported they or a travel companion got sick while on vacation. Whether you’re traveling to a neighboring state or across the globe, feeling your best is an important part of having a great winter trip. Luckily, the medical experts here at On

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How NOT to Get the Flu While Traveling

The 2012-2013 flu season is officially here and is off to its earliest start in almost a decade. Health officials reported last week that the primary strain circulating tends to make people sicker than other types and is particularly hard on the elderly.  In fact, 2003 was one of the most lethal seasons in the

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Your Guide for Healthy Travel to Developing Countries

Recent studies suggest that more than 50 million people from industrialized nations travel to developing countries each year (Travel to Developing Countries, ADAM Health Illustrated Encyclopedia). Whether it’s for leisure, or you’re traveling to these destinations for work or study, there are plenty of precautions you can take to protect your health and well-being while

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