Special Edition: Security Assistance in Remote & Challenging Locations
Read our latest global emergency assistance snapshot for an inside look at how On Call’s assistance experts worked together behind the scenes—24/7/365—to provide support to our travelers in need of security assistance in remote/challenging locations around the globe.

Following a total government collapse in March 2024, Haiti’s security environment rapidly deteriorated, as warring gangs consolidated control over major portions of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and other surrounding areas. Amid the violence and chaos, On Call received several evacuation requests from groups/individuals with operations on-the-ground in Haiti. Both of Haiti’s main airports were under attack by armed gangs, making commercial options unavailable. Adding to these complexities, unprecedented restrictions were placed on the country’s airspace by authorities. These factors combined made extractions increasingly more challenging, but not impossible, for the team at On Call.
Amid what looked to be the most unsurmountable of circumstances, On Call worked tirelessly behind the scenes to secure viable extraction options for its constituents in need. Ultimately, a helicopter flight to the nearest safe haven was secured for these travelers, as well as onward travel arrangements to the traveler’s home countries. This situation still remains fluid, and On Call’s Global Response Center remains on standby for all clients and travelers with exposure in Haiti.
A university notified On Call that one of their PhD constituents was conducting research in Khartoum, Sudan when the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attacked the Khartoum International Airport (KRT) and other key targets, sparking widespread civil unrest in Sudan. On Call’s Security Team reached out to the student and confirmed they were sheltering in place with their host family and in need of security evacuation services. The OST advised that we were in the process of sourcing ground options as well as other flight evacuation resources available to Untied States (U.S.) citizens.
Following careful consideration of the safest options, On Call coordinated a ground transportation route via a U.S. government convoy, which the constituent and their spouse successfully took to Port Sudan where they boarded a Saudi flagged ship to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Both travelers made it safely to Jeddah, and On Call was able to arrange their onward travel from Jeddah back home to the U.S., where they both planned to stay until conditions improved.
A group of travelers reached out to On Call to request assistance following a devastating earthquake in Antakya, Türkiye. Adding complexity to the situation, one of the travelers suffered a broken arm from when their accommodation collapsed, and thus also required immediate medical attention.
On Call quickly identified options for the travelers to be extracted out of Antakya to receive medical care, appropriate accommodation, and onward journey management options. On Call monitored the constituents’ journey out of the impacted area, to a safe location in-country, and secured onward journey options. The OST remained in touch with the impacted clients for the duration of their travel back to their respective home countries.
South Sudan
An NGO worker in Mankien (Unity state) received a personal safety threat and reached out to On Call International for assistance. Using local intelligence sources, On Call’s Security Team (OST) was able to verify this was a legitimate threat from a local group and recommended the traveler depart from the region. Ultimately, after speaking with several different local contacts and scoping available transportation options, the OST identified and contacted the global United Nations (UN) Charter Office in Rome. The Global UN Charter Office then connected the OST with the South Sudan Charter UN Office’s after-hours contact. There, the OST was able to directly connect the constituent and the South Sudan UN Charter Office to discuss the situation further in detail. An emergency flight was scheduled for the next morning to pick the worker up from Mankien to be transported over to Juba. On Call monitored the NGO worker until safe arrival in Juba was confirmed and onward journey provisions considered.
Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a client with operations in Ukraine asked for On Call’s assistance with evacuating their employees’ family members out of the country. On Call’s Security Team (OST) monitored the situation, passing along varying evacuation routes and locations of bomb shelters in Kyiv. Additionally, the OST was supporting numerous overland evacuation assets/resources from Kyvi to Lviv – constituents were arranged with appropriate accommodations in Lviv prior to further evacuation towards respective border areas. For individual groups of evacuees, On Call provided secure transportation out of Ukraine to border crossings in Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, and Romania borders. Once in Poland, or the respective countries, On Call provided the evacuees with hotel accommodations and onward flights towards other European countries.
After a bad storm, a group of travelers in Colombia staying in an Airbnb were upended when flooding cut their rental off from the mainland. This area was known for varying wildlife, including crocodiles, which posed additional threats for the travelers.
On Call’s Security Team was able to provide immediate safety advice to the travelers, while chartering and simultaneously arranging a local boat to evacuate the travelers to a mainland area. Upon evacuating, On Call coordinated onward flight and hotel arrangements for the travelers to help minimize the disruption to their trip.
Over the course of a 14-day period from October 7th to October 20th, On Call managed over 70 cases for travelers directly affected by the Israel-Gaza Crisis including families with young children, students, expats, faith-based groups, and leisure travelers; in total, On Call assisted over 170 travelers during this short timeframe.
In addition to providing timely intelligence, consultation, and incident briefings to clients; On Call also assisted travelers with booking/rebooking commercial flights, facilitating secure cross-border transfers, and coordinating multiple charter evacuations. Some of these cases also involved complex medical components such as patients in need of oxygen tanks while traveling as well as coordinating in-country care for those hospitalized prior to the attacks.
Many of those who required assistance during this time were under a lot of stress and fear, including one group that was sheltering in an air raid shelter. Once safely evacuated, this group expressed their sincere gratitude to On Call’s Global Security team:
“The security advisor provided [us] with objective and rational information from a thirty-thousand-foot level that helped others make an informed decision as well. Their immediate and calm engagement, knowledge galore and complete and total follow-through saved us from many meltdowns…it was nothing short of excellent. Well done and THANK YOU!”
Want to read more of our latest traveler assistance stories? Read the next installment of this special edition series: medical assistance from remote and challenging locations here.
About On Call International:
When traveling, every problem is unique–a medical crisis, a political threat, even a common mishap such as a missed flight. But every solution starts with customized care that ensures travelers are safe and protected. That’s why for over 25 years, On Call International has provided fully-customized travel risk management and global emergency assistance services protecting millions of travelers, their families, and their organizations. Contact us today and visit www.oncallinternational.com to learn more.
*Note: no identifying details are shared in order to help protect the privacy of our clients and their constituents.