Helping Travelers Every Day: Meet On Call’s GRC – Nicole!

global map concept with headset, plane and passport.

On Call’s Global Response Center’s (GRC’s) biggest responsibility is to fulfill our mission of helping travelers, every day, in their time of need. Every phone call (or live chat, text, or email!) our Global Response Center receives is an opportunity for us to help someone get prepared to travel or solve a problem while they’re away – whether it’s a medical emergency, political threat, extreme weather, or even a more common issue like a missed flight. Our empathetic GRC Team works diligently behind the scenes, 24/7/365, to ensure travel problems are not only resolved as quickly as possible, but that our travelers feel safe, prepared and supported every step of the way.

Whether you’re an On Call client or interested in learning a bit more about how travel risk management and assistance services work, this blog feature serves as a way for you to ‘meet’ these kind faces on the other side of the phone (or keyboard!) and give you an inside look at On Call’s culture. Today’s featured GRC Team member is:

Nicole Lambert, Senior Assistance Coordinator

A Little About Nicole…
I have worked at On Call International for over seven years. My first day also happened to be my birthday! I’m from Massachusetts where I currently live with my husband of seven years, our dog, and two cats. Outside of work I love biking, going to musicals, and exploring new places in New England. We also started a family tradition with my in-laws a few years ago where we go to Disney World for one of the marathon weekends and run the races (I stick to 5Ks/10Ks). My favorite place to travel so far has been Alaska, and I’m hoping to go back in the next year or two.

Why is working at On Call to help people every day meaningful to you?
Every day and every call is different. I love that we all work as a team to help travelers in their time of need, whether we are helping them find a hospital while abroad, getting them home, or even arranging an evacuation. It’s always rewarding when travelers call us for help during an emergency and we can relieve some of their worries and assure them we are here to help them navigate the situation.

How have you made a difference in a traveler or team member’s day recently?
Recently I was speaking to a patient’s spouse who was very overwhelmed and having a very difficult time. At that moment, she simply just wanted someone to talk to and reassure her that everything was going to be okay. She was so appreciative that I took the time to listen and let her know we were here to be a familiar/friendly voice and sounding board anytime she needed it. Knowing how much of a positive impact I had on her day really meant the world to me and is just one of the reasons why I love what I do at On Call.


For more information about On Call’s Global Response Center Team, and how we can help you help your travelers, every day, feel free to contact us anytime! Also, did you know…? On Call is hiring! If you or someone you know is interested in joining our talented Global Response Center Team, check out our open job listings here:

For over 25 years, On Call International has provided fully-customized travel risk management and global assistance services protecting millions of travelers, their families, and their organizations. Contact us today to learn more. You can also stay in touch with On Call’s in-house risk management, travel health and security experts by signing up for our quarterly Travel Risk Management (TRM) newsletter.