If you want to know a thing (or two!) about travel, consider talking to Kristin Toth, On Call’s Vice President of Operations. Kristin, who has worked in the emergency assistance space for over 18 years, has seen first-hand how the world of travel is evolving and changing—for the better. “Telehealth has emerged as a significant trend, particularly for travelers. Understanding how telehealth works and its benefits can help you and your travelers navigate health issues abroad with more ease and less stress – which leaves even more time for fun!”
Read on to learn more from Kristin about what telehealth is, how it works, and why it matters for travelers today:

What is Telehealth?
Telehealth refers to the delivery of healthcare services through digital technology. This can include video consultations, phone calls, and messaging with healthcare providers. It allows immediate access to medical advice, support, and even prescription assistance without the need for an in-person visit–making it a convenient resource for those traveling far from home.
Who is Telehealth For?
Anyone enrolled in On Call’s medical assistance services can utilize our telehealth offerings! Whether you’re on a study abroad program, a business trip, or even a family vacation, accessing healthcare services remotely means you no longer need to worry about finding a local doctor or clinic for minor illnesses or injuries. Telehealth breaks down geographical barriers, making healthcare accessible to everyone, regardless of location.
Why is it so Important?
Identifying and connecting with a healthcare provider while traveling abroad (especially if you don’t have On Call to help you navigate the process!) can be complicated, time-intensive, and expensive. This is especially important for travelers visiting remote or underserved areas where medical facilities may be limited; and not to mention: traveling to a country where you don’t speak the language can make healthcare access (even more) daunting!
Telehealth not only makes navigating minor medical inconveniences much easier, but also substantially cuts down the time it takes to obtain an appointment with a qualified medical professional abroad. In fact, we’ve seen a 75% decrease in traveler wait times to obtain a medical appointment when telehealth is utilized.
How Do On Call’s Telehealth Services Work?
Travelers can access telehealth services through our Global Response Center. With just a few clicks, travelers can access care with a healthcare professional from most countries around the world. If the request for telehealth is appropriate, travelers will receive a link to schedule a virtual appointment. From there, the traveler has complete control of their care journey, from: choosing an appointment time, selecting their preferred language…and modifying the appointment if anything changes!
Want to Learn More?
All travelers enrolled in On Call’s medical assistance service options automatically have telehealth access—it’s as simple as that! Not an On Call client yet? Visit www.oncallinternational.com/assistance or contact us today.
About On Call International:
When traveling, every problem is unique–a medical crisis, a political threat, even a common accident such as a missed flight. But every solution starts with customized care that ensures travelers are safe and protected. That’s why for over 25 years, On Call International has provided fully-customized travel risk management and emergency assistance services protecting millions of travelers, their families, and their organizations. Visit www.oncallinternational.com and follow us on LinkedIn to learn more.