The results are in!
On Call International recently conducted an in-depth, qualitative Travel Risk Management survey to help institutions like yours identify best practices, proactively understand strengths and gaps within their current education abroad programs, and benefit from benchmarking data for comparative purposes.

And now, we’re excited to announce that our resulting Benchmarking Study: Travel Risk Management in Higher Education is available to the public!
A few key findings from the report include:
- An impressive 99% of responding institutions routinely provide pre-travel training in addition to destination-specific information and guidance prior to departure.
- Only 25% reported conducting a tabletop exercise within the last year, an exercise aimed at validating and updating Emergency Response Plans (ERPs).
- Less than 40% of respondents indicated an awareness of a program’s host nation’s response capabilities.
- 35% of respondents reported having access to a tech solution providing real-time intelligence and tracking information during travel
Want to view the remaining benchmarking data so you can see how your institution stacks up? Click here to download your free copy of On Call’s Benchmarking Study: Travel Risk Management in Higher Education today!