Check out this useful travel safety packing list from On Call Global Security Specialist Johanna Hartnett to learn what to physically and mindfully pack for safer and smoother travels abroad:
To Physically Pack:
Passport & Copy of Passport – in the event the original is lost or stolen
Medications – in original containers to avoid issues at customs Prescriptions and/or doctor’s note(s)
Culturally-appropriate attire – to reflect general attitudes/beliefs of the society
Weather-appropriate attire – i.e., winter/rain jackets, sunhat, long pants to ward off mosquitoes etc.
Maps – download routes/locations ahead of time in the event no Internet is available
Address of accommodation – saved in an accessible spot if no Internet is available
To Mindfully Pack:
Cultural & Local Knowledge
Local laws (LGBTQ+ attitudes & laws, drinking age)
Important religious celebrations & upcoming events
Local cuisine, especially if you have dietary restrictions
Current levels of Unrest, demonstrations, and protests
Local Language – Basic Knowledge to Aid in Navigation
“Where is the….” ‘Bathroom, hospital, police station’
“May I have” “Please” “Thank you”
“I need help”
Situational Awareness – noted risks of all cities on itinerary/advised ‘no-go areas’
Financial Resources – currency, exchange rate, availability/locations of safe ATMS (hotels, banks etc.)
An Arrival Plan:
How will you be getting from the airport/station to your accommodation?
Sunrise and sunset times – the crime rate in many areas increases after dark, so knowing the sunrise and sunset times is an easy way to avoid undesirable places
Want to Learn More?
For over 25 years, On Call International has provided fully-customized travel risk management and global assistance services protecting millions of travelers, their families, and their organizations. Contact us today to learn more. You can also stay in touch with On Call’s in-house risk management, travel health and security experts by signing up for our quarterly Travel Risk Management (TRM) newsletter.