A middle-aged university student studying abroad in Dili, which lies on the northern coast of Timor-Leste in Southeast Asia, sought out a local hospital after experiencing flu-like symptoms for three days. The student was admitted to a local medical facility, where she was then diagnosed with Dengue Fever. While admitted, her illness became more severe, and her blood platelets decreased. On behalf of the traveler, a representative from the hospital contacted On Call International for further assistance.
On Call Steps In
On Call’s Global Response Center immediately took action and arranged for a consultation between On Call’s Medical Team and the traveler’s treating physician in Dili. On Call’s Medical Team determined that the local hospital was unable to perform a platelet transfusion and that a medical evacuation was necessary. On Call coordinated an emergent air ambulance to transport the patient while simultaneously organizing her admittance to a facility in Darwin, Australia.
A Successful Outcome
After tirelessly navigating unforeseen weather delays and restricted runway usage resulting from military operations, the On Call Team was able to successfully arrange for the student to be safely transported to Darwin. The air ambulance team remained by her side until she was delivered to her receiving hospital in Australia for further care. After she recovered enough to be discharged, On Call arranged a commercial flight for her to return to Timor-Leste to continue her studies.
About On Call International:
When traveling, every problem is unique–a medical crisis, a political threat, even a common accident such as a missed flight. But every solution starts with customized care that ensures travelers are safe and protected. That’s why for over 30 years, On Call International has provided fully-customized travel risk management and emergency assistance services protecting millions of travelers, their families, and their organizations. Visit www.oncallinternational.com and follow us on LinkedIn to learn more.