Now, more than ever, organizations are challenged to effectively balance risk management while empowering female travelers to embrace the opportunities this world has to offer.

Recognizing this complex challenge, On Call recently teamed up with a diverse panel of experts to present a webinar on female traveler safety in context of modern issues, recent events, and changing social climates.
Offering best practices and unique perspectives, this presentation, now available on demand, highlights how recent events in the media present a unique opportunity to reconsider issues and strategies surrounding female travel safety, duty of care, and travel risk management.
- Betsy Perry, Global Security Specialist at On Call International
- Gaby Hosea, Rescue Nurse at On Call International
- Nadine Hoffman, Deputy Director at International Women’s Media Foundation
- Marcia Henisz, Director of International Health, Safety, and Security at Drexel University
- Stereotypes of American/Western Women Abroad
- Proper Response to Incidents and Duty of Care
- Sexual Harassment
- Victim Blaming
- Self Defense
- Actionable Strategies for Safe Travel Abroad
Want to learn more? View our webinar, Contemporary Female Travel: Issues and Risk Strategies, on-demand today!